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Neuropsychology General

Preparing Your Child for Their Upcoming Evaluation

April 16, 2024

It’s very common for kids to feel a little nervous before their neuropsychological evaluation. Here are a few tips for preparing your child for the day of their evaluation:

1.  A neuropsychological evaluation is a special way to learn more about how your amazing brain works when you're thinking and learning new things. There are no expectations; just do your best. We simply want to see how you think and learn best. 

2. You'll get to do different kinds of activities. Some might feel like games, and some might be like things you do at school. You might answer questions, draw pictures, play with blocks, or even solve some fun puzzles. There's no need to worry about getting everything right; it's not a test with right or wrong answers. 

3. The reason we do all this is to figure out the best ways to help you. Maybe you're really good at some things and find other things a bit tricky. That's totally okay! Everyone has their own strengths and things they can work on. Once we know what makes learning fun and easy for you, and what things we can help you with, we can get some great ideas for how to support you at school and at home.

4. It's okay to be nervous: almost every kid is! The nerves usually go away within the first few minutes. 

5. Get a good night's sleep the night before and eat a nutritious breakfast. Take medication as you normally would.

6. Remember, this is all to help you shine even brighter. We're on your team, and we're going to make sure you have everything you need to do your best.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any additional questions. We look forward to working with you and your family soon!